Wooden Staircases and Stair Parts

I can build, supply and fit a wide variety of staircases including: standard straight staircases, winder staircases, traditional closed and cut string stairs, open-rise stairs, loft stairs (including alternate tread) and spiral staircases.

I work with various type of wood, metal and glass stair parts to create a staircase that is completely unique. Brackets, handrails and mouldings can be used to finish off your staircase.

If you need something functional and fast I install off-the-shelf staircases that are ready to be carpeted or painted.

If you live in or near to South Gloucestershire please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Request a Stairing Quote

Please give me a call on 07949 910 418 or complete the online form below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you build custom staircases?

I can build a custom staircase to comply with regulations and your specification.

I work with a variety of different hard and soft woods.

Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

Is it possible to have open treads?

Yes.  Open tread staircases are perfectly acceptable and compliant with modern safety standards and regulations.

Can you supply and fit standard staircases?

Yes.  Install staircases whereever they are bought from. This includes flat packed and off the shelf complete staircases.